We are Kenner; A Bonnabel Story

Micah Hagans, a Bonnabel alumni and an assistant under Dyer for 10 seasons was named the new boys head basketball coach at Bonnabel earlier this year. Hagans also played under Dyer for 4 year before going off to college. Hagans played college basketball at Talladega College, where he dropped 30 points on Southern one time, but that’s a different story for a different time. After college his journey led him back home to Bonnabel: “Returning home: its great., he said. I knew my senior year in college I would be a coach! To have that opportunity at the school I love is phenomenal. Its a ton of pressure, but I embrace every moment”.
Hagans has a passion for the game that is stronger than many coaches. He not only understands the game, his commitment is infectious. You couldn’t be around him without feeling his absolute commitment to the game and his team. With the support of his fiancée, two children, and a community behind him, he couldn’t help but to shine through this season.

Amazing as a First year Head Coach, Micah Hagans won District 8-5A Coach of the Year. In a short interview with Hagans, he told me “Winning district coach of year: Its an honor, its one of those things that you kind of think about when you start your career as a coach. While its a huge individual honor, alot of credit goes to my staff and players!” Hagans who had picked his staff, looking for leaders who could match his work ethic on and off the court.
Up next; Bonnabel (21-6) is set to take on Central 18-5 in Round two of the regional playoffs. This game will be held at Bonnabel on March 2, 2021 at 7pm. When asked what was his goals for this season Hagans said “My goals to finish: We would obviously like to win a state title. This Sr. class has pretty much done everything but that. Our city and school community deserves one!” Join me in watching this amazing team fight their way to the top.